
Who We Are

What’s Left is a print and online quarterly news source for Ypsilantians that seeks to provide reliable political, personal, and community-centered news. We strive to function as a platform for local voices that centers the concerns of under-represented people in the community, and we need your help.

If there’s a story that you want to tell about your life in Ypsilanti or the broader comm-unity, let us know! If we published something that you loved, or something you didn’t, let us know! What’s Left is dedicated to sharing the news of Ypsilanti and of the people that live here.

Ypsilanti is a changing city brimming with stories. We at What’s Left want to give these stories a chance to be heard, and there’s nobody better to tell these stories than you.

You can reach us at whatsleftypsi@gmail.com. Tell us if you’d like to be added to our email list, or you can follow our Facebook page for news, updates, and submission deadlines!

What’s Left reserves the right to choose to accept or reject any submission at any time. All submissions will be subject to edit and review, and every attempt will be made to give public voice to perspectives that are marginalized or ignored in mainstream media. If published, your writing will be accessible to all, and as such certain laws apply regarding libel, slander, and plagiarism.

Editorial Credits

Issue 6

Coeditors: Alex Thomas & Christine Gliha

Issue 5

Coeditors: Amber Fellows & Desiraé Simmons

Copy Editors: Isaac Levine, Karlie Ebersole, Christine Gliha, Brian Geiringer, Aaron Apsey, Ruth Cassidy

Planning Contributors: Ruby Monceaux, Alex Thomas & Julia Bayha

Issue 4

Coeditors: Brian Geiringer & Eddie Zhou

Copy Editors: Eddie Zhou, Desiraé Simmons, Anie Parker, Isaac Levine, Christine Gliha, Amber Fellows, & Aaron Apsey

Print Layout: Anie Parker

Planning Contributors: Ruby Moncreaux, Alex Thomas, & Julia Bayha

Issue 3

Coeditors: Eddie Zhou & Aaron Apsey

Copy Editors: Eddie Zhou, Desiraé Simmons, Taylor Quiroga, Anie Parker, Isaac Levine, Christine Gliha, Brian Geiringer, Amber Fellows, & Aaron Apsey

Print Layout: Anie Parker

Planning Contributors: Ruby Monceaux, Ruth Cassidy, & Julia Bayha

Issue 2

Coeditors: Anie Parker & Brian Geiringer

Print Layout: Anie Parker

Issue 1

Coeditors: Isaac Levine & Christine Gliha

Print Layout: Thomas Dunn, Isaac Levine, Christine Gliha